Essence Of Family Day In My Teenage Life

   It's that time and year again, my LAST Family Day from high school years, I really enjoyed it to cherish one last time before I move on to a new level, It may be sad for me but at least I had a great time there interacting with friends and even my family.

   That time I was with her during the 2020 family day, we danced together during the tribe dance competition, we practiced together last week before the family day, but it helped me learn something that "You should always bring them by your side to bring joy and happiness, because they will never leave you." I know this will be our last moments and last family day with her, but we will never forget the best moments we had that day.

     The things I have learned during family was "You should always need enjoyment and moments to remember before it ends." Friendship and Family are important to have a happy life because we just don't want to be lonely all we need is some quality life and we are stronger when their generosity and kindness.

    For me this Family Day was the best because I enjoyed with my old friends one last time and ate the best dinner with others and even win a raffle, well that my day. But at least it helped me improve my teenage life that friends are also your family, we may never forget the things we have cherished throughout our high school life but it will never be forgotten forever.


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